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  • Journal of Multiple Sclerosis 7(1):21-24, 2016
  • Multiple Sclerosis Presenting as Paroxysmal Paresthesia
  • Wonwoo Lee, MD, Minyoul Baik, MD, Ha Young Shin, MD
  • Multiple Sclerosis Presenting as Paroxysmal Paresthesia
Many patients with multiple sclerosis suffer from paroxysmal symptoms such as tonic spasm or paroxysmal ataxia but they are frequently overlooked by patients and also doctors, delaying diagnosis and treatment. Paroxysmal paresthesia or numbness is an even more rare manifestation. A female patient presented paroxysmal paresthesia which resolved spontaneously. The symptoms were due to multiple sclerosis and the symptoms did not recur after treatment with interferon beta. Pulse generation, re-excitation in demyelinated fiber and ephaptic transmission are suggested as pathophysiology. Journal of Multiple Sclerosis 7(1):21-24, 2016
  • keyword : Multiple sclerosis, Paroxysmal symptoms, Paroxysmal paresthesia