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학회지 검색

  • Journal of Multiple Sclerosis 4(2):29-35, 2013
  • Cognitive Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis
  • Chan-Nyoung Lee, MD, Kun-Woo Park, MD
  • Department of Neurology, Korea University Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea
Up to 70% of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients have cognitive impairment. Affected domains of cognitive impairment in MS patients are attention and information processing speed, memory, executive function and these features are distinct from cognitive impairment of other degenerative dementia. This article reviews characteristics of cognitive impairment in MS patients and studies specifically on neuropsychological tests. Furthermore, we suggest the Korean version of neuropsychological tests which are used in the MS and have validation data Journal of Multiple Sclerosis 4(2):29-35, 2013
  • keyword : Cognitive impairment, Neuropsychological tests