학술대회 일정

일시: 2024년 2월 17일(토)

장소: 보코강남서울 층LL (B2) 볼룸홀

대한의사협회 연수평점: 5점
09:20 ~ 09:30 Opening Remark 김호진(국립암센터, 대한신경면역학회 회장)
SessionⅠ. An update on immune-medicated neurological disorders 좌장:김병조(고려의대),조중양(인제의대)
09:30~09:50 An Overview of Advances in Multiple Sclerosis Research and Treatment in 2023
(다발성경화증 최신 지견 따라잡기)
09:50~10:10 Novel immunotherapies for myasthenia gravis (중증근무력증의 최신 면역치료) 김현진(울산의대,신경과)
10:10~10:30 Autoimmune nodopathies, an emerging diagnostic category
(Autoimmune nodopahites 이해하기)
10:30~10:50 Q & A
10:50~11:10 Coffee Break
SessionⅡ. Current and Future biomarkers in CNS inflammatory diseases 좌장:손은희(충남의대),신하영(연세의대)
11:10~11:30 Current predictors for prognosis of MS in clinical practice
(다발성결화증에서 초기 치료 결정 시 유념해야 할 예후인자)
11:30~11:50 Imaging biomarkers for differential diagnosis of CNS inflammatory diseases 권순욱(인하의대,신경과)
11:50~12:10 Future biomarkers for predicting disease progresssion in MS
(다발성경화증에서 질환 예후 예측을 위해 연구되고 있는 바이오마커)
12:10~12:30 Q & A
12:30~12:40 총 회
SessionⅢ. Luncheon Symposium  
12:40~13:00 COVID-19 vaccination in neurological autoimmune diseases. 석진명(순천향의대,신경과)
13:00~13:10 Q & A
SessionⅣ. Case-based discussion 좌장: 김선영(울산의대),강사윤(제주의대)
13:30~13:50 Treatment of NMOSD (시신경척수염 범주 질환의 치료) 현재원(국립암센터,신경과)
13:50~14:10 Differential diagnosis of MOGAD 정연학(성균관의대,신경과)
14:10~14:30 Autoimmune Nodopathy: when to suspect, how to treat
(언제 의심하고, 어떻게 치료할까?)
14:30~14:50 Q & A
14:50~15:10 Coffee Break
SessionⅤ. Clinical Realities in Korea: A Deep Dive into NMOSD and MOGAD Care by Neurologists 좌장: 오지영(건국의대),김성민(서울의대)
15:10~15:30 Dilemma of a neurologist in Korea: Strategies for Effective NMOSD
Treatment Amidst Reimbursement Challenges
15:30~15:50 Consensus among Korean neurologists on MOGAD diagnosis and treatment
(MOGAD, 전문가에게 물었습니다)
15:50~16:00 Q & A
16:00 ~ Quiz & Closing 김호진(국립암센터, 대한신경면역학회 회장)